White Pages

Abele Emmet D Jr & Mara315-826-3369761 Russia RdPoland
Ace Of Diamonds Mine & Campground315-891-385584 Herkimer StMiddleville
Ackley Jack & Lisa315-845-89651526 Dairy Hill RdNewport
Adamo Mary315-826-30344955 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Adirondack Artist II315-826-7966309 Millwood Hill RdCold Brook
Adirondack Gateway Campground315-826-5335244 Burt RdCold Brook
Adirondack Landscaping & Plowing315-826-38488860 N Main StPoland
Adirondack Post 1118 American Legion315-826-3254529 Main StCold Brook
Agne Cynthia B315-845-83761976 Dairy Hill RdNewport
Ahles William Jr315-826-7422202 Russia RdPoland
Allen & Daughters Trucking315-845-6716219 White Creek RdNewport
Allen Bradley J315-826-32744968 Military RdPoland
Allen David Jr315-826-51301031 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Allen James & Carol315-891-3646 3191 State Rte 169Middleville
Allen Janet315-845-6622466 White Creek RdNewport
Allen Jeff & Stephanie315-845-1528 135 Summit Road ExtNewport
Allen John M315-826-5931218 Taylor Brook RdPoland
Allen Robert315-826-31174374 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Allen Susan315-845-8769 769 Gray Wilmurt RdCold Brook
Allen Tim & Laura315-826-5992 133 Morehouse Lake RdHoffmeister
Allen Timothy J315-845-6550219 White Creek RdNewport
Allen Wayne & Beverly315-826-3660520 Reese RdCold Brook
Alltemp Refrigeration Inc315-826-3100 939 State Route 365Remsen
Almas William315-845-6606 884 Hurricane RdCold Brook
Alsheimer Francis315-826-3709105 Atwood Lake RdCold Brook
Alsheimer James315-826-5189 189 Figert RdCold Brook
Ambulance Kuyahoora Valley 315-826-352539 Case StPoland
American Hardware315-845-8032880 Newport Gray RdNewport
Amini I315-826-39111212 Gray Wilmurt RdCold Brook
Andrews David C315-826-7652506 Atwood Lake RdCold Brook
Angerosa Richard315-826-3259 288 Shady Hill RdCold Brook
Anna Blanche315-826-7195104 Oconnor LnCold Brook
Anna Kenneth & Paula315-845-8650718 Bull Hill RdCold Brook
Aponte-Hall Carmen315-826-3037 134 Woods LnCold Brook
Arcuri Vincent N315-826-36068785 S Main StPoland
Arnold Kenneth & Cathryn315-845-1753865 Bull Hill RdCold Brook
Arsenault Mark & Jodi315-845-1671336 Gage RdNewport
Arthur Lloyd315-891-355346 S Main StMiddleville
Artz Barbara315-826-7438589 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Asaro Frank315-845-8779122 Harris AveNewport
Asaro Richard315-891-31932026 Hardscrabble RdNewport
Ashton James M315-826-5578399 Nellis RdCold Brook
Ashton Jim & Lisa315-826-76321439 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Atkinson Paul315-845-1590 590 White Creek RdNewport
Autenrith W E Sons Inc Funeral Services315-845-85327479 Main StNewport
Ayers David315-845-8745277 Steuben RdPoland
Babcock Deborah 315-826-3574 150 French RdHoffmeister
Babineau Donald315-845-1515 392 Tea Cup StCold Brook
Bagetis Scott & Mary315-826-5131 2349 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Bahr Jerold315-891-3033312 Parkhurst RdMiddleville
Baker Jere & Diane315-826-37112121 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Balash Jody315-845-1353 617 Mowers RdSchuyler
Bandych Mary315-845-8765903 Newport Gray RdNewport
Bannigan Robert315-826-5780170 Brady Beach RdCold Brook
Barley Frank315-826-74921357 Pardeeville RdCold Brook
Barnard Mark315-845-6636232 Rose Valley RdNewport
Barnhart Albert315-826-7107689 South Side RdCold Brook
Barra Bub & Jill315-845-6195553 Gould RdNewport
Barrows Berdet315-826-34491444 Gray Wilmurt RdCold Brook
Barrows Berdet Jr315-826-78991443 Gray Wilmurt RdCold Brook
Barrows Brenda315-826-73062758 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Barrows Craig315-826-5280 1495 Gray Wilmurt RdCold Brook
Barrows Cynthia315-826-3016 1827 State Rte 365Cold Brook
Barrows Russel315-826-3441 1512 Gray Wilmurt RdCold Brook
Barrows Russell Sr315-826-33481469 Gray Wilmurt RdCold Brook
Barrows Sherri315-826-30451423 Gray Wilmurt RdCold Brook
Barry Brandon315-826-57549810 State Rte 28Poland
Barry Victoria315-826-7126824 Old State RdPoland
Bartholomew Peter G315-826-78233594 Black Creek RdCold Brook
Bartlett Excavating315-845-8994972 Newport Gray RdNewport
Bartlett Jason & Jessica315-845-8994972 Newport Gray Rd Newport
Bartlett John & Anita315-826-7474 296 Brady Beach RdCold Brook
Bartlett Mitch315-845-1567988 Newport Gray RdNewport
Barton Dixie Lee315-845-8756225 Bell Hill RdPoland
Barton Justice315-826-53764047 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Bass Art315-845-65051029 Honey Hill RdPoland
Bates Gary315-845-83251029 Bull Hill RdCold Brook
Bates John & Jill315-826-3534439 Taylor Brook RdPoland
Bates John A315-826-3491325 Taylor Brook RdPoland
Batista Luisa315-826-383185 Cold Brook StPoland
Batson Robert T315-826-7342207 Russia RdPoland
Baumes Nelson315-826-39275176 Military RdPoland
Baumes Scott315-826-53383885 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Bazan Anthony315-845-85581571 Newport RdPoland
Beach Matthew315-826-7219344 Hurricane RdCold Brook
Beach Steven315-826-5649 18 Mill StPoland
Beach Steven315-845-6537790 Bull Hill RdCold Brook
Beattie Matthew Jr315-826-3943814 State Rte 8Hoffmeister
Beauchamp Joan315-826-5464107 Whaley RdCold Brook
Beaudin Wilma315-826-3538 358 Christman RdCold Brook
Beckwith Geoff315-826-3785605 Hurricane RdCold Brook
Becraft Bradford W315-826-5987171 State Rte 8Hoffmeister
Behrendt David W315-826-5850129 Shawangunk RdCold Brook
Belfiore Herbert315-826-38454920 Military RdPoland
Bell Anna315-826-3789 632 Strumlock RdPoland
Bell Construction Co Inc315-826-7653205 State Rte 8Poland
Bell Francis & Donna315-845-8945705 Newport Gray RdNewport
Bell Jack P315-826-3507185 Gravesville RdPoland
Bell James & Karie315-826-3080333 Russia RdPoland
Bell W Patrick315-826-3515172 Buck Hill RdPoland
Bennett William F315-845-8817565 Honey Hill RdPoland
Benoit Christopher & Marisa315-826-3137 430 State Rte 8Morehouse
Benson David315-826-3665 281 Buck Hill RdPoland
Bergin Christina & Keith315-826-5037944 Gray Wilmurt RdCold Brook
Bergstrom Stephanie315-826-7553 164 Atwood Lake RdCold Brook
Beyel Ryan315-826-3002 345 N Gage RdNewport
Bialas Gerald W315-826-7483145 Erb RdHoffmeister
Bickelhaupt Mark & Teresa315-826-7642359 Five Acres LnCold Brook
Bienkowski Linda315-826-78374893 Military RdPoland
Blackstone Tom315-826-78701256 State Rte 365Remsen
Blanchard Land Surveying315-826-5667711 Old State RdPoland
Blue Anchor Cabins315-826-344412215 State Rte 28Poland
Blue Anchor Restaurant315-826-5330 12215 State Rte 28Poland
Blumenstock Diane315-826-7102565 Beecher RdPoland
Boenitz John & Nora315-826-5033 383 French RdHoffmeister
Bolton Phil & Melissa315-891-394586 N Main StMiddleville
Bonde Donald L315-826-3459843 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Bonomo Gene315-845-86261673 Newport RdPoland
Borek Richard & Denise315-826-7068186 Taylor Brook RdPoland
Bormann Debbie315-826-5459880 Gray Wilmurt RdCold Brook
Boston L Russell & Deanna315-826-3468927 State Rte 8Hoffmeister
Boucher Alan315-826-3140160 French RdHoffmeister
Boulden David315-845-6108115 Bull Hill RdCold Brook
Bowers Leslie315-826-7896127 Morehouse Lake RdHoffmeister
Bowers Roger & Denise315-826-7283129 Morehouse Lake RdHoffmeister
Brady Fence Co Inc315-826-7883637 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Brauer Charles & Lorrie315-845-8531310 Woodchuck Hill RdNewport
Braun Robert A315-845-89342096 Newport Gray RdCold Brook
Bravo L315-826-79433779 Black Creek RdCold Brook
Brelinsky Dan & Jennifer L315-891-33042805 State Rte 169Little Falls
Brelinsky Winifred315-891-39972813 State Rte 169Little Falls
Brewer Melanie315-891-35411666 Castle RdNewport
Briggs Duane315-891-37431655 Castle RdNewport
Bronson Curtis J315-845-8024236 Sulpher Springs RdNewport
Bronson Raymond L Jr315-826-51161048 Grant RdCold Brook
Bronson Thomas315-826-3067 1452 Pardeeville RdCold Brook
Brooks Richard315-891-3054199 State Rte 29Middleville
Brown Alan & Maria315-891-32921710 Hardscrabble RdNewport
Brucker John & Sharon315-826-30698744 Main StPoland
Buckoski Brian315-891-338327 Herkimer StMiddleville
Buell Anna & Daniel315-826-5060 3060 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Bunce Brian & Lucille315-845-8743115 Old State RdNewport
Burdick Gale315-826-353611540 N Gage RdUtica
Burlison John315-826-3914107 Dow RdCold Brook
Burns Barbara315-826-7587128 Christman RdCold Brook
Burns Jeanette315-826-7354372 Christman RdCold Brook
Burns Roger315-826-76824442 Norway StCold Brook
Burns Rose315-826-76651166 Pardeeville RdCold Brook
Burritt Scot & Lori315-826-7242127 Cold Brook StPoland
Burt James315-826-7268198 Pardeeville RdCold Brook
Burt Robert 315-826-3949200 Burt RdCold Brook
Burton John & Jennifer315-845-1572330 White Creek RdNewport
Bussey Dennis315-826-38812861 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Bussey Dennis315-826-71333768 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Butler Jack315-845-80837425 West StNewport
Butler John E315-845-15457538 Main StNewport
Bythwood Kerry315-845-60771369 Dairy Hill RdNewport
C & S Automotive315-845-8082 3089 Bridge StNewport
Cady Gerald 315-826-3906 187 State Route 8Cold Brook
Cady Ronald315-826-5767534 Hurricane RdCold Brook
Caldwell Theodore Sr & Patricia315-826-34821016 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Callahan Fred315-826-7233362 North Gage RdPoland
Callahan James315-826-7039163 Hall RdCold Brook
Callahan Joseph315-826-3748529 Strumlock RdPoland
Callahan Michael315-826-3748529 Strumlock RdPoland
Campbell Alyssa315-891-3907235 Fishing Rock RdNewport
Campbell Shirley315-891-70771342 Castle RdNewport
Candella Richard F315-891-320414 Huyck AveMiddleville
Caneen John F315-826-72178804 S Main StPoland
Capital Siding Windows & Doors315-826-78821456 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Capron Daniel315-845-8773 128 Gould RdNewport
Carcone Philip & Sheila315-826-7701441 Main StCold Brook
Card Stuart & Brenda315-845-6249 7421 Main StNewport
Cardinal Cale315-845-64607529 East StNewport
Cardinal Gardens315-845-64607529 East St Newport
Carhart Kim315-826-5010554 Hurricane RdCold Brook
Carinci Thomas J315-845-8620271 Black Creek RdNewport
Carlson Anton P315-891-387717 Huyck AveMiddleville
Carlson Brad & Rita315-826-39051119 Rose Valley RdCold Brook
Carmody James315-826-7728111 Black Cherry LnCold Brook
Carnright Gene315-826-37434437 Norway StCold Brook
Carnright Gene R Jr & Teresa 315-826-3161846 Hall RdCold Brook
Carnright JoAnn315-826-3293673 Strumlock RdPoland
Carnright Ryan & Heidi315-826-3240235 North Gage RdPoland
Carter Erica315-845-66072202 Newport Gray RdCold Brook
Case Shawn & Robin315-826-5122203 Gravesville RdPoland
Casper Shanon315-826-5786361 Elm Flats RdPoland
Casper William & Susan315-826-5502267 Elm Flat RdCold Brook
Casper William P315-826-3323489 Russia RdPoland
Cavallaro Louis315-826-32259381 State Rte 28Poland
Ceckanowicz Cheryl315-826-3232 805 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Central Auto Electric315-826-77778825 S Main StPoland
Central Auto Electric315-826-78928825 S Main StPoland
Chapman Joe & Tracy315-845-8864102 Gage RdNewport
Chapman Terrance315-826-5179232 Harvey Bridge RdCold Brook
Chapple Brandy315-826-3195 809 State Rte 8Hoffmeister
Chatterton Robert315-826-3686 2614 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Check Deborah315-845-16881638 Newport RdPoland
Cheney Edward M315-826-77641278 Pardeeville RdCold Brook
Cheuvront Lisa315-826-5381654 Ohio City RdCold Brook
Chlus Kevin315-891-34241862 Hardscrabble RdNewport
Chrisman Aaron315-826-53021303 Pardeeville RdCold Brook
Chrisman Irene315-826-7412500 Hurricane RdCold Brook
Christiano Paulette315-845-80508207 State Rte 28Newport
Christopher James315-826-3102 406 French RdMorehouse
Church Communities International315-826-7122393 Atwood Lake RdCold Brook
Citrin Melissa315-826-36823235 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Clark Beverly315-826-51534409 Norway StCold Brook
Clark Daniel315-826-730311611 N Gage RdUtica
Clark James315-845-8247898 Newport Gray RdNewport
Clark Mark & Stacey315-845-6601204 Rose Valley RdNewport
Clark Phillip315-826-72851168 Figert RdCold Brook
Clark Robert N315-826-7084175 Brady Beach RdCold Brook
Claytor Carolyn315-826-7644209 Millwood Hill RdCold Brook
Cleary Brian315-826-36108765 S Main StPoland
Clifford Charles315-826-72541411 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Clifford Paul315-826-55721434 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Clifford Robert315-845-83522798 Newport RdNewport
Clifford Sarah315-826-5304203 Mac Arthur RdCold Brook
Clifford Scott315-826-78821456 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Coe Richard315-826-7524153 North Gage RdPoland
Coe Timothy S315-826-35413747 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Coffin Jason315-845-8758502 Butler RdPoland
Coffin Richard & Jennifer Bono315-826-58381925 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Coleman Ric & Josie315-845-8101687 Cook Hill RdNewport
Collier Gary & Bette315-826-52843969 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Comstock Lee315-826-35522964 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Cook Fence Construction Co Inc315-845-81557450 West StNewport
Cook Fence Construction Co Inc Fax Line315-845-81607450 West StNewport
Cook Hill Construction315-845-1777803 Cook Hill RdNewport
Cookinham Thomas315-826-74319393 State Rte 28Poland
Cool-Dineen Morgan315-826-3394 3223 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Corbeil Michelle315-826-3093 132 Black Creek RdNewport
Corcoran Joe315-826-3496337 French RdHoffmeister
Cornacchia Crystal315-845-8615369 Newport Gray RdNewport
Cornett Wade315-826-5333 517 Stormy Hill Rd Cold Brook
Corrigan Sheri315-826-3205467 Brady Beach RdCold Brook
Corsi Samuel & Colleen315-891-33343053 State Rte 169Little Falls
Country Carriage Auto Body Shop315-826-75358622 State Rte 28Poland
County Window Cleaning315-845-8945705 Newport Gray Rd Newport
Covel Jennifer315-826-3375 377 Kohler RdCold Brook
Cowan Alfred Jr315-826-7763825 Hall RdCold Brook
Cowan Frank III315-845-8969 120 Bull Hill RdCold Brook
Cox Glenn M315-826-39831181 Figert RdCold Brook
Cranford Kory J315-826-7786 500 Harvey Bridge RdCold Brook
Craska Marieta315-845-8043145 Tanner RdPoland
Creek View Automotive LLC315-826-770412226 State Route 28 Poland
Crisino Samual & Nancy315-826-7482119 Gravesville RdPoland
Cromie Diana M315-891-3063677 Platform RdNewport
Cross David A315-826-7969113 Mountain Home RdHoffmeister
Crossett Karin E315-845-1660908 Newport Gray RdNewport
Crossett Keith & Crystal315-891-32902205 Castle RdNewport
Crossett Kelley315-845-8798309 Snyder RdNewport
Crossett Les315-891-3754532 Schrader Hill RdHerkimer
Crossett Scott315-845-8158300 Snyder RdNewport
Curreri M315-845-19541217 Newport Gray RdNewport
Curri Nicholas315-845-88632135 Newport Gray RdCold Brook
Dagenkolb David315-826-3235567 Main StCold Brook
Damato Alina315-845-1547306 Black Creek RdNewport
Damon Thomas315-826-7088213 Hemstreet RdCold Brook
Damone Curtis315-845-8450677 North Gage RdPoland
Danz Theodore315-845-8039184 Amberg RdCold Brook
Darling Fred J315-826-3549345 French RdHoffmeister
Darling Kaylie315-826-3543 543 Hurricane RdCold Brook
Darrow Brett & Chelsea315-826-3065741 Figert RdCold Brook
Darrow Edward315-826-3717311 Dan Davis RdCold Brook
Darrow Joshuah315-826-7717193 Kelly RdCold Brook
Darrow Roy E Jr315-826-3795275 Dan Davis RdCold Brook
Darrow Tammy315-826-3135 337 Dan Davis RdCold Brook
Davis Ed315-845-6339395 Strumlock RdPoland
Davis Katherine 315-826-3435 3765 Black Creek RdCold Brook
Davis Mary Ann315-845-8573112 Honey Hill RdNewport
Davis Sharon315-826-35571697 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Dawson David315-891-3237618 Parkhurst RdMiddleville
Day Theresa315-845-8952479 Bull Hill RdCold Brook
Dedicke John & Marylee315-891-3817207 Platform RdNewport
Deerfield Town Of Highway Garage315-826-70146892 Rte 8Utica
Defazio George315-826-3670 712 Russia RdCold Brook
Defino Dawn315-826-3213131 Coleman RdCold Brook
Delano Kay Real Estate315-826-7070116 Ash Creek RdCold Brook
Delano Lawrence315-826-7181601 Fisher RdCold Brook
Denmark Sandy J315-826-7858433 Reese RdCold Brook
Denslow Rodney & Patricia315-845-1718479 Lindsay RdNewport
Deptula Richard315-826-7593367 State Rte 8Hoffmeister
Deragon Aaron & Karen315-826-3337291 Plumb RdPoland
Derosa Nicholas & Donna315-826-303111597 N Gage RdUtica
Devins Donald & Tammy315-891-3189158 Reservoir RdNewport
DeVuyst Sonya315-826-3390439 State Rte 8Cold Brook
DeWitt Sean & Laura315-826-3203434 Rose Valley RdNewport
Dexter David & Lora315-826-72351391 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Diaz Susan315-845-1779614 Steuben RdPoland
Dibble Clifford L315-891-31232869 State Rte 169Little Falls
Dibble George315-891-302825 S Main StMiddleville
Dickinson Christian315-826-3944 688 Hurricane RdCold Brook
Dieffenbacher George & Jane315-891-3974786 State Rte 29Middleville
Diehl Darryl J315-826-30633883 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Difillippo Kevin & Kimberly315-826-5955886 Rose Valley RdCold Brook
Dingman Edwin315-826-3027 116 Christman Road Spur Cold Brook
Dingman Walter315-891-340583 N Main StMiddleville
Dischavi Anthony315-826-581411410 Steuben Rd EUtica
Dischiavi Gary315-845-167711758 Steuben Rd EPoland
Ditata Tito315-826-32028818 Main StPoland
Dodge John315-891-311368 N Main StMiddleville
Dolin Gary315-845-8505104 North StNewport
Donley Raymond315-826-3416210 Taylor Brook RdPoland
Donofrio Anthony & Sheila315-826-77509347 State Rte 28Poland
Dornton Cathy315-826-7893 4893 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Doug's Electric Company LLC315-826-3333
Dougherty Lawrence315-891-347839 Huyck AveMiddleville
Dougherty-Koshland Anne315-826-5335244 Burt RdCold Brook
Douglas Collin315-826-75527332 McIntyre RdUtica
Dow Ralph P315-845-82867418 Main StNewport
Downs Chris & Mary315-826-3399578 Rose Valley RdNewport
Drennen Dawn315-826-3544574 Figert RdCold Brook
DS Contracting315-826-5996429 Pardeeville RdCold Brook
Duesler John315-826-3038 164 French RdHoffmeister
Duheme Clifton & Carol315-845-84483442 Military RdNewport
Dupont Anne315-891-31682267 Castle RdNewport
Dupont Mark & Kathleen315-845-8471215 Rose Valley RdNewport
Duprea Raymon 315-826-7185149 Beecher RdPoland
Dutcher Donald315-826-3173 1381 State Route 8Cold Brook
Dutcher Donald315-826-35501381 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Dutcher Timothy315-826-33241361 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Dygert Christine315-845-84682150 Dairy Hill RdNewport
Dygert David315-826-7398149 Remonda RdCold Brook
Dygert Debora315-845-6565 1072 Newport Gray RdNewport
Dygert Jerry315-845-657111672 Steuben Rd EUtica
Dygert Rodney M Sr315-826-5879188 Huther Point RdCold Brook
Eagle Creek Renewable Energy315-845-80843043 Bridge StNewport
Earl Fred315-826-38428880 N Main StPoland
Eaton David315-826-5221 273 Fisher RdCold Brook
Eaton James315-826-3749974 South Side RdCold Brook
Eckler David315-826-3291151 Plumb RdPoland
Eddy Dave & Cindy315-826-7986116 Five Acres LnCold Brook
Edick Willard315-891-387512 Fairfield StMiddleville
Edwards Daniel315-845-89781382 Newport Gray RdNewport
Edwards George315-845-6503791 Bull Hill RdCold Brook
Edwards James315-845-8178263 Old State RdPoland
Edwards Jr James H315-845-1731 3108 North StNewport
Edwards Linda315-891-3336140 Town Garage RdMiddleville
Edwards Paul & Nancy315-845-1709981 Newport Gray RdNewport
Eisemann Rich315-826-3696 340 Kohler RdCold Brook
Elliott Edward V315-891-35802065 Hardscrabble RdNewport
Elwood James315-845-8768374 Summit RdNewport
Emmerick RM & EM315-826-7845167 Mountain Home RdHoffmeister
Enright Michele315-826-7909126 Stormy Hill RdCold Brook
Ensell Michael & Joanne315-826-3492690 Snyder RdCold Brook
Erceg Mark & Patricia315-826-3029288 Mountain Home RdMorehouse
Esty Kathleen315-845-84857401 West StNewport
Evans Lawrence C315-845-8335464 Sterling Creek RdNewport
Evans MaryEllen315-826-3428575 Russia RdPoland
Eykelhoff Henry315-826-3160358 Allen RdCold Brook
Eykelhoff Theresa315-826-76741793 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Fahey Thomas & Bonnie315-826-5260328 Mountain Home RdHoffmeister
Fairfield Town Barn315-891-3137113 Town Barn RdMiddleville
Farber Donna315-845-8915676 White Creek RdNewport
Farber Hugh315-826-7824200 Mountain Home RdHoffmeister
Farber Marlene315-826-34074783 Military RdPoland
Farber Wm & Heather315-826-3052182 Mountain Home RdHoffmeister
Farley Patrick315-826-7373279 Conway RdCold Brook
Farrell Mark315-845-6350263 Farrell RdPoland
Farrington Carol315-891-328991 N Main StMiddleville
Faville Dain & Carol315-891-3590738 Castle RdMiddleville
Fazekas M C315-826-5888317 North Gage RdPoland
Felio Arthur D315-845-86982608 Newport RdNewport
Fenton Associates LLC315-826-7881727 Old State RdPoland
Fenton G315-826-3007678 Old State RdPoland
Fenton Todd315-826-7881727 Old State RdPoland
Fernandez Anthony & Karen315-826-3136 111 Kruezer RdHoffmeister
Fiacco Joseph & Dianne315-845-8254 3089 Norway StNewport
Fiedler Scott315-826-3286 131 Haskell RdCold Brook
Finch Larry315-826-3020583 Beecher RdPoland
Fischer Michael315-826-7973140 Hurter RdHoffmeister
Fischer Raymond315-845-85831364 Newport RdPoland
Fish David & Lisa315-826-3620478 Taylor Brook RdPoland
Fisher Auto Parts315-845-15508584 State Rte 28Barneveld
Flanagan John315-845-19703105 North StNewport
Flawless Pawz315-845-1729 164 Gage RdNewport
Fleming Nicholas315-826-5113 555 Ohio City RdCold Brook
Fleming Shawn315-845-8995595 Bull Hill RdCold Brook
Fleming Wayne & Sheryl315-826-7400105 Fayle RdHoffmeister
Flike L315-845-8859285 Bell Hill RdPoland
Flike S J315-826-3948122 Millwood Hill RdCold Brook
Flike Tim315-826-34801116 Gray Wilmurt RdCold Brook
Flower Nathaniel315-826-3026 652 State Rte 8 Hoffmeister
Flowers For You315-845-86063079 Bridge StNewport
Flynn Karen315-826-3001 299 Hinckley RdPoland
Fogerty Brian & Pam315-826-5040446 Hill RdCold Brook
Fonner Richard315-826-7401612 South Side RdCold Brook
Forbes Tammie315-826-75021104 Grant RdCold Brook
Ford Gary315-891-33391883 Castle RdNewport
Ford Marvin315-845-8519147 Elm Tree RdNewport
Ford Nick315-845-6153479 White Creek RdNewport
Ford Robert315-826-7622303 State Rte 8Hoffmeister
Fort Noble Supply315-826-3771116 Hooper Dooper AveCold Brook
Foster Michael & Barbara315-826-79528754 S Main StPoland
Foster Steven & Suzanne315-826-50197344 McIntyre RdUtica
Foster Wm & Rose315-845-8948270 Old City RdNewport
Fox David315-845-16173322 Military RdNewport
Fox David315-891-3191331 Schrader Hill RdHerkimer
Fox Douglas & Joan315-845-8198 3041 Hillside Meadows DrNewport
Fox V M315-826-3334357 Harvey Bridge RdCold Brook
Franklin Robert & Michele315-845-80093082 Norway StNewport
Franks Deborah315-826-7485115 Five Acres LnCold Brook
Fransman Joyce315-826-7335594 South Side RdCold Brook
Frappier Hank315-891-72021316 Hardscrabble RdMiddleville
Frazier Esther315-826-7878 231 Dan Davis RdCold Brook
Frith Grace315-845-8081 243 Louis Ridge Rd Newport
Fritschi David315-826-3062 450 Atwood Lake RdCold Brook
Fuller Arthur Jr315-891-3118263 Platform RdNewport
Fuller Justin315-891-3507507 Reservoir RdNewport
Fuller Robert315-891-3369 899 Platform RdNewport
Fuller Robert315-891-3397899 Platform RdNewport
Fuller Tool Inc315-891-3183 225 Platform RdNewport
Fusco Kathleen315-826-77728841 N Main StPoland
Gage Timothy & Donna315-845-88813102 Military RdNewport
Gagland LLC315-826-50041151 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Gagliano Joe315-826-3234245 State Rte 8Hoffmeister
Gagnon Alain & Elizabeth315-826-7926176 Smith RdCold Brook
Galesky Tamara315-826-7957130 Rolling Hills RdCold Brook
Gallombardo A315-845-8943524 Gould RdNewport
Galster Bernie & Vickie315-826-7868746 State Rte 8Hoffmeister
Garcia Christopher315-826-5663264 State Rte 8Hoffmeister
Garlock John D & LuAnn315-845-8044596 White Creek RdNewport
Garvin Richard315-826-7542263 Mountain Home RdHoffmeister
Gates David & Dawn315-826-7710125 O'Connor LnCold Brook
Gates Sandra315-826-7063538 Reese RdCold Brook
Gauthier Chris315-826-58231382 Grant RdCold Brook
Gauthier Louis J315-826-36981466 Grant RdCold Brook
Gay Michael315-826-3207 207 Nellis RdCold Brook
Gay Ronald315-845-1625114 Black Creek RdNewport
Gayle's Beauty Salon315-826-73378821 S Main StPoland
George Anthony315-826-78253357 Black Creek RdCold Brook
George James315-826-3166 143 French RdHoffmeister
Get A Grip Tire & Battery315-826-7333 41 Mill StPoland
Getman Wayne & Sara315-845-80142672 Newport RdPoland
Gianini Linda315-826-3077819 Old State RdPoland
Gifford W Scott315-826-7999268 Sunset Lodge RdCold Brook
Gilday Kate 315-845-1515 392 Tea Cup StCold Brook
Gillespie Craig315-826-3109260 Burt RdCold Brook
Gillis Edward & Linda315-826-3551110 Mountain Home RdHoffmeister
Gilman Jennifer315-826-3184184 Snyder RdCold Brook
Gilman William315-891-3798 1174 Hard Scrabble RdMiddleville
Gizzi Joe & Kim315-845-1748953 Honey Hill RdPoland
Goff Jennifer315-826-31272063 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Goggin Anne315-845-65051029 Honey Hill RdPoland
Goggin Dennis315-826-3879833 Old State RdPoland
Goggin Mike315-826-36714470 Military RdCold Brook
Gokey Brad315-826-7549436 Hurricane RdCold Brook
Gokey Michael & Laci315-826-3356 1098 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Goldsmith Christopher315-845-8001 174 Snyder RdNewport
Golf Club Of Newport315-845-8333 760 Honey Hill Rd Newport
Gomes Regina S315-845-8235109 Woodchuck Hill RdNewport
Gonyea Thomas M315-826-7687412 MacArthur RdCold Brook
Goodhines Kenneth & Susan315-891-327444 N Main StMiddleville
Goodman Gary & Patricia315-845-8034225 Old State RdPoland
Goodman Jeffrey315-826-3616179 Morehouse Lake RdHoffmeister
Goodman Jeffrey315-891-35124997 State Rte 28Middleville
Goodney Dorothy315-826-3072 9556 State Route 28Poland
Goodney Richard & Patricia315-826-7972152 Gravesville RdPoland
Gorham Barbara315-826-3727211 Gorham RdPoland
Gould K R315-826-7010297 Harvey Bridge RdCold Brook
Goyette Donald315-826-7735270 Harvey Bridge RdCold Brook
Goyette William A315-826-79442829 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Grace Gerald L315-891-3057 351 Twin Ponds DrNewport
Granato Kathleen315-826-35233658 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Grand Workshopp Piano Co315-845-8414
Graulich Joseph & Tracy315-826-7336225 Gravesville RdPoland
Graupner Chris315-845-1564515 Farrell RdPoland
Gravesville Store315-826-3533261 Gravesville RdPoland
Gray Kathleen315-845-16423041 Hillside Meadows DrNewport
Greco Susan B315-826-3383576 Main StCold Brook
Green Darien 315-826-3054 514 Pardeeville Ohio RdCold Brook
Green Edward C III315-826-3212338 Mountain Home RdHoffmeister
Greene Jeffrey F315-826-7565138 Kelly RdCold Brook
Greenfield Larry315-845-1070 2229 Newport RdNewport
Greenwood Alan & Betty315-826-7599 3337 Black Creek RdCold Brook
Gregorka Robert & Maria315-826-7157414 Figert RdCold Brook
Greiner Daniel315-826-3707626 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Greiner Nancy315-826-7307636 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Griffith Randy & Cheri315-826-5071 178 Ash RdCold Brook
Grimaldi Joseph & Kristine315-826-7355184 North Gage RdPoland
Grimshaw Alison315-826-5232 1836 State Rte 365 Cold Brook
Grimshaw Jason315-826-37363313 Black Creek RdCold Brook
Gross Leroy315-891-312754 S Main StMiddleville
Gross Michael315-891-39984978 State Rte 28Middleville
Gross Robert315-845-89173075 North StNewport
Grower Eugene315-845-83623056 Military RdNewport
Grower Jeff & Rachel315-845-19501950 Newport Gray RdCold Brook
Grower John W315-845-8590278 Billy Hamlin RdCold Brook
Grower Justin315-845-1769234 Woodchuck Hill RdNewport
Grygiel Peter315-845-8751 8167 State Route 28 Newport
Guarascio Linda315-826-3107 107 Rolling Hills RdCold Brook
Hadcock David315-826-7309250 Mountain Home RdHoffmeister
Hailston Alan315-826-3803130 Coleman RdCold Brook
Haines Herbert315-845-8479 811 Newport Gray RdNewport
Hall Charlotte315-826-5172607 Ohio City RdCold Brook
Hall James R315-891-355061 Huyck AveMiddleville
Hall Sandra J315-826-3153197 Pardeeville RdCold Brook
Hanish Tara315-826-7292 292 French RdHoffmeister
Hankey Patrick M315-891-3506463 Fishing Rock RdNewport
Hankey William315-845-82367407 Main StNewport
Hanson Aggregates New York Inc315-826-38889254 State Rte 28Poland
Harkins James G Jr315-845-86032017 Newport Gray RdCold Brook
Harodecki Micheal315-845-8476483 Newport Gray RdNewport
Harper Brian 315-891-38921378 Castle RdNewport
Harradine Albert & Janice315-826-3288147 Alder Brook RdHoffmeister
Harris Jeffrey315-826-3125 125 Franken RdCold Brook
Harrod Kimberly315-826-3672229 Morehouse Lake RdHoffmeister
Hart M315-826-7562539 Reese RdCold Brook
Hart Stephen & Ann315-826-5988341 Kohler RdCold Brook
Hart's Parts315-826-7027282 Harvey Bridge RdCold Brook
Harter James315-826-3048 572 State Rte 8Hoffmeister
Hartman David315-891-339437 Fishing Rock RdMiddleville
Hartman Larry315-845-60067409 Main StNewport
Harts Repairs315-826-7026 282 Harvey Bridge RdCold Brook
Haskells Inn315-826-5533241 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Hasse John315-826-7610318 Plumb RdPoland
Hatch N & S315-826-5144674 Fisher RdCold Brook
Havens Richard315-826-3593783 Strumlock RdPoland
Haver Greg315-826-5581157 Buck Hill RdPoland
Haver Thomas & Amy315-826-330317 Havers LnPoland
Haver Wayne315-826-360857 Cold Brook StPoland
Haver's Circle K315-826-722212200 Rte 28Poland
Hawkins Randy & Melissa315-845-6354245 White Creek RdNewport
Hawthorne Paul & Doreen315-845-6395956 Honey Hill RdPoland
Hayes Fred A315-845-1791536 Newport Gray RdNewport
Hayes Jennifer315-845-6704 546 Newport Gray RdNewport
Hayes Linda315-826-5634110 Whaley RdCold Brook
Hayes Stanley & Bonnie315-845-8438133 Ryan RdNewport
Heap David315-826-5244 244 Kohler RdCold Brook
Heart In Hand315-845-8099463 Old State RdPoland
Heidelberger Brian315-845-1503306 Steuben RdPoland
Helmer Brian & Stacy315-826-7560 248 Snyder RdCold Brook
Helmer Keith315-826-38744823 Military RdPoland
Helmer Leon315-845-86491085 Newport Gray RdNewport
Helmer Mark315-826-51514845 Military RdPoland
Helmer Matt315-845-8524227 Newport Gray RdNewport
Helmer Michael315-845-8883 2099 Newport RdPoland
Helmer Thomas315-845-8045418 Farrell RdPoland
Helmer Zachary315-826-5291 246 Kelly RdCold Brook
Helmes Christopher & Heather315-826-53157800 Blue RdBarneveld
Helmes-Karecki Clara Lea315-826-5068 886 Russia RdPoland
Henderson Roy315-826-7151563 Hall RdCold Brook
Hennings Donald315-845-87447487 Main StNewport
Henry Glen315-826-7577203 Erb RdHoffmeister
Henry Ronald315-826-5745 2264 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Herkimer Diamond Mines & KOA Cafe315-891-3097 4601 State Route 28 Newport
Herkimer Diamond Mines & KOA Kampground315-891-7355 4626 State Route 28 Newport
Herring Ronald315-826-366247 Millington AvePoland
Hill Gerald M & Clara H315-845-82557490 East StNewport
Hillman Michael & Patricia315-845-60998183 State Rte 28Newport
Hinckley Day Use Area DEC315-826-3800 281 Stormy Hill RdCold Brook
Hobin Robert Jr315-826-5253832 Sulphur Springs RdCold Brook
Hoffmann Susan315-845-1516168 Amberg RdCold Brook
Holland Russ315-826-3929687 Figert RdCold Brook
Homa Ronald315-891-3456 238 Sandy Lane RdNewport
Hoover Kate315-891-31281957 Hardscrabble RdNewport
Hopsicker Jonathan & Karen315-891-3966251 Platform RdNewport
Horne Leann315-826-35853901 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Horton James I315-826-3546165 Morehouse Lake RdHoffmeister
Houghtaling Leslie315-826-79901105 Grant RdCold Brook
Howard Jason315-826-5299382 French RdHoffmeister
Howard John & Sue315-826-5466105 Kruezer RdHoffmeister
Howards Towing & Recovery315-845-1522 1022 Elm Tree RdNewport
Howland John315-845-6285 407 Bull Hill RdCold Brook
Hubalek Jeffery315-826-35683487 Black Creek RdCold Brook
Huble Ronald & Bonnie315-826-5264320 Mountain Home RdHoffmeister
Huckabone Ashley315-826-39461198 Pardeeville RdCold Brook
Huckabone Dale315-891-36918 Herkimer StMiddleville
Huckabone Paula315-826-3032 19 Bushpasture Ln Poland
Huckabone Robert D315-826-5650710 Old State RdNewport
Huegen Carol & Fran 315-826-3017 404 Brady Beach RdCold Brook
Hughes David G315-826-3169290 Plumb RdPoland
Hughes Gary315-826-3388548 Main StCold Brook
Hughes Maryann315-826-785212221 State Rte 28Poland
Hull Shepard315-891-320233 Herkimer StMiddleville
Humiston Lindsay315-845-8234626 Gray Wilmurt RdCold Brook
Humiston Richard315-826-70081222 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Humiston Rodney315-845-6707700 Hurricane RdCold Brook
Humpf Jack315-845-15681022 Honey Hill RdPoland
Humpf Terry315-845-8195169 Old State RdPoland
Hurd John315-826-5393141 Morehouse Lake RdHoffmeister
Huzarewicz John & Ruth315-826-7755905 Russia RdPoland
Hysack Jill315-826-3096 2779 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Ingersoll Brian & Mary315-826-32284836 Military RdPoland
Irwin Jeff & Leslie315-826-7702410 Russia RdPoland
Irwin Thomas M315-826-3231540 Main StCold Brook
Irwin Timber Transport LLC315-826-7702410 Russia RdPoland
Irwin William315-845-8818586 North Gage RdPoland
Ives Brittany315-891-35302424 Castle RdNewport
Jackson Brad315-845-8912863 Honey Hill RdPoland
Jackson Joe315-845-62092221 Newport RdPoland
Jankowski Richard315-826-3098257 Millwood Hill RdCold Brook
Jay G Michael315-826-79643443 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Jedrzejek Joseph315-826-33301321 Gray Wilmurt RdCold Brook
Jenkins Adam315-845-1548556 Gage RdNewport
Jenkins Bob & Geri315-826-7207826 Rose Valley RdCold Brook
Jenkins Ray315-826-30703782 Black Creek RdCold Brook
Jersey George315-826-59683371 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Jersey Stephanie315-845-6895 7415 West StNewport
Jimoh Adeyemo315-891-7133 133 Twin Ponds DrHerkimer
Johnson Brian & Shelly315-826-5898145 Snyder RdCold Brook
Johnson Charlotte315-891-314341 Park AveMiddleville
Johnson D315-845-81527424 West StNewport
Johnson Dana315-845-1630744 Bull Hill RdPoland
Johnson Douglas315-845-80083154 Military RdNewport
Johnson Gary M315-826-7356763 Old State RdPoland
Johnson Jack Edward315-891-32941953 Castle RdNewport
Johnson James G315-826-36519529 State Rte 28Poland
Johnson John315-826-3057 1418 Gray Wilmurt RdCold Brook
Johnson John315-845-8809126 Bull Hill RdCold Brook
Johnson Marjorie J315-891-3167 113 Farrington RdNewport
Johnson Shari315-826-5703358 French RdHoffmeister
Johnston Ann315-826-3378631 Beecher RdPoland
Johnston Tammy315-826-72211257 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Jones Allan H315-826-3386710 Strumlock RdPoland
Jones David315-826-3236 351 Cummings RdCold Brook
Jones Dean315-891-7748 748 Summit RdNewport
Jones Edward315-826-3268283 Russia RdPoland
Jones Jacob & Morganne315-826-3095 619 Hinckley RdRemsen
Jones Julieann M315-826-3298 1298 Grant RdCold Brook
Jones Kevin & Sharon315-826-7108695 Fisher RdPoland
Jones Marianne315-826-50795352 Military RdPoland
Jones Mark & Rebecca315-826-36797600 State Rte 8Poland
Jones Nancy315-845-8225174 Graves RdNewport
Jones Nelson & Tammy315-826-3990237 Pardeeville RdCold Brook
Jordan Andrew315-891-3131 296 Twin Ponds DriveNewport
Joslin Keith & Marianne315-845-82851377 Newport RdPoland
Jost Joan315-826-5711595 Hurricane RdCold Brook
Junior's Overhead Door LLC315-891-7654125 State Rte 29Middleville
Kaiding Debby315-845-8550982 Honey Hill RdPoland
Kane Daniel & Beverly315-845-19008405 State Rte 28Newport
Karavas Dean315-845-6343 343 Black Creek RdNewport
Karpiak Gary & Robin315-891-360529 Fairfield StMiddleville
Karrat Steven315-826-3099 581 South Side RdCold Brook
Kashorek John & Denise315-826-57604787 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Kasprzyk Don & Debbie315-826-3493372 Hurricane RdCold Brook
Kattato Francis315-826-70871062 Grant RdCold Brook
Keesler Bridget315-845-88088237 State Rte 28Newport
Keith George315-826-5591 591 State Rte 8Hoffmeister
Keller Benjamin & Kelly315-845-1932298 Honey Hill RdPoland
Kelley Bradley H315-826-76631091 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Kelley Giles315-826-38448852 N Main StPoland
Kelly Edward315-826-73062758 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Kemler Herman315-845-8140424 Elm Tree RdNewport
Kemler Robert315-845-8901356 Elm Tree RdNewport
Kench Daniel315-891-31901757 Hardscrabble RdNewport
Kerker Robert & Valerie315-826-3861126 Mountain Home RdHoffmeister
Kermizian Matthew & Lisa315-826-72721178 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Kermizian Michael315-826-3058465 Christman RdCold Brook
Kerns Jim & Connie315-845-6464378 Billy Hamlin RdCold Brook
Kerr Arlene Maxfield315-826-7594136 Whaley RdCold Brook
Kerr William315-845-1941 1256 Newport Gray RdNewport
Kervin James315-826-5576 282 Figert RdCold Brook
Kessler Ward & Deborah315-826-7530449 Gravesville RdPoland
Key Daniel T315-826-7801173 French RdHoffmeister
Keyes Kimberly315-826-5186 3208 State Route 8Cold Brook
King Jeffrey315-826-5026 2134 State Rte 8Cold Brook
King Theodore & Diane315-845-65517421 West StNewport
Kirchberg Eva315-845-64653211 Military RdNewport
Knobloch Dave315-826-5075147 Haskell RdCold Brook
Koehler Linda315-826-32721235 Grant RdCold Brook
Kokoszki Richard315-845-1624739 Hawthorne RdUtica
Koop John R315-826-3349269 Conway RdCold Brook
Kovac Michael315-845-82597414 Main StNewport
Kovatchitch Jason M315-826-7139 1135 Figert RdCold Brook
Kraeger Nicole315-826-3097 1365 Grant RdCold Brook
Kraszewski Francis315-826-7693972 Figert RdCold Brook
Kraszewski William315-826-34524399 Norway StCold Brook
Kratzenberg John & Donna315-891-3103383 State Rte 29Middleville
Kratzenberg Rodney315-845-8233985 Honey Hill RdPoland
Krauciunas Alyssa315-845-6516966 Hurricane RdCold Brook
Krauciunas James & Patricia315-826-3806343 Fisher LnCold Brook
Krawczyk Thomas315-891-33641790 Harscrabble RdNewport
Krull Thomas315-826-3810261 Kelly RdCold Brook
Kudra Sejla315-826-7286 3731 Black Creek RdCold Brook
Kulas John315-845-1612807 Hawthorne RdUtica
Kulesa Paul315-845-1693 3124 Mechanic StNewport
Kuyahoora Food Pantry, Inc.315-845-3663 8202 State Rte 28Newport
Kuyahoora Valley Ambulance Business Office315-826-352539 Case StPoland
Kuyahoora Valley Historical Society315-845-84347435 Main StNewport
Kwiatkowski David315-826-5473 169 Morehouse Lake Rd Hoffmeister
LA Transfer315-845-65557576 First StNewport
Labarge James315-826-3317246 Five Acres LnCold Brook
Lachut Ronald315-826-3922847 Old State RdPoland
Lacomb Louis315-845-8304154 Newport Gray RdNewport
Lacomb Thomas315-826-3358323 Main StCold Brook
Lamont Rebecca315-826-3122291 Millwood Hill RdCold Brook
Lamoreaux Edward315-891-3036 237 Twin Ponds DrNewport
Lamphere Betty315-826-37527136 Harris RdPoland
Landers Lory & Julie315-826-7322117 Haskell LnCold Brook
Lange Roger315-826-75257350 Crooked Brook RdUtica
Lanphere Kale315-891-3177698 State Rte 29Middleville
Lanphere Michael315-845-8343195 Black Creek RdNewport
Lanphere Wayne & Jane315-891-303521 Fairfield StMiddleville
Lapoint Sara315-826-74494521 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Lawrence Donna315-845-16781021 Hurricane RdCold Brook
Lawrence Zachary 315-826-7690166 Five Acres LnCold Brook
Lawson Brett315-826-3543 543 Hurricane RdCold Brook
Lawson George J315-826-7963168 Coleman RdCold Brook
Lawson James315-826-32463583 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Lawson Jim315-845-8292180 Graves RdNewport
Lawson Keith315-826-30563578 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Lawson Kyle315-826-5292 156 Hooper Dooper AveCold Brook
Lawson Scott & Karen315-826-3059 259 Allen RdCold Brook
Left-Over Express315-845-8899300 Snyder RdNewport
Lehman James E315-826-3233545 Main StCold Brook
Leigh Jessica315-826-3223 403 Dan Davis RdCold Brook
Leigh Pamela L315-845-1414114 Tea Cup StCold Brook
Leigh Tom & Melissa315-826-7658924 Rose Valley RdCold Brook
Lein Courtney315-826-7667968 Grant RdCold Brook
Lekki Kimberly315-845-8998 729 Cook Hill RdNewport
Leonard J B315-845-60703041 Hillside Meadows DrNewport
Leone Peter315-826-3179 602 Rose Valley RdNewport
Lesniak J W315-845-86833150 Mechanic StNewport
Lewandrowski David J315-845-8964 794 Honey Hill Rd Newport
Lewandrowski Donn315-845-8548729 Honey Hill RdPoland
Lewandrowski J315-845-8960542 Honey Hill RdPoland
Lewis Patricia315-826-7120105 Remonda RdCold Brook
Lewis Tom315-891-39842776 State Rte 169Little Falls
Lindsay George315-826-3006 1123 Grant RdCold Brook
Lindsell Frank315-845-6202 202 Coonradt RdCold Brook
Linneen Dain315-826-5225329 Fisher RdCold Brook
Lloyd William315-826-3041131 Hoeller RdNewport
Loiacono Joseph315-891-34534549 State Rte 28Herkimer
Longstaff Joseph315-826-7324353 Hinckley RdRemsen
Longway Joan315-891-36251860 Castle RdNewport
Longway Ruby315-891-31342114 Castle RdNewport
Lonis Allen315-845-8366730 Hurricane RdCold Brook
Loomis David315-826-3926 3675 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Loomis Douglas315-826-58693668 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Loren Aaron & Cynthia315-826-39648674 S Main StPoland
Louis Michael315-891-3145167 Reservoir RdNewport
Lovell George E315-826-728134 Millington AvePoland
Lowell James & Geraldine315-891-3359476 Schrader Hill RdHerkimer
Lowell James & Melissa315-845-66931711 Hawthorne RdNewport
Luck James & Melonie315-826-5249278 French RdCold Brook
Luther Edward315-845-8282113 Gray Wilmurt RdCold Brook
Lutz Robert315-826-3055137 Morehouse Lake RdHoffmeister
Luz James F315-826-79179723 State Rte 28Poland
Lyman Gary & Debra315-845-8339336 Steuben RdPoland
Lynam Susan315-826-3277103 Reese RdCold Brook
Lynch K M315-826-36774459 Military RdCold Brook
Lynch Leo & Lorie315-826-3640344 Beecher RdPoland
Lynch Leon F315-826-5247399 Smith RdCold Brook
Lynch Lisa L315-845-61261150 Newport Gray RdNewport
Lynch Robert315-891-3409580 Parkhurst RdMiddleville
Lynch Wesley315-891-3347375 Parkhurst RdMiddleville
Maass Richard315-826-3146823 Sulphur Springs RdCold Brook
MacDougall Glenn315-826-7368258 Erb RdHoffmeister
Machan David J315-826-7012169 Fayle RdHoffmeister
MacKay Robert & Sharon315-845-1566642 Newport Gray RdNewport
Macrina Matt & Tanya315-826-5052557 Old State RdPoland
Madderom Andrew315-845-6047 1494 Hawthorne RdNewport
Madderom Bruce & Diane315-891-3331577 Platform RdNewport
Maher Peter & B Ann315-891-39522410 Castle RdNewport
Mahoney Electric315-845-629611636 Steuben Rd EUtica
Maida Brian315-826-7418 3943 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Main Street Chiropractic315-826-77728841 N Main StPoland
Main Street Ristorante315-845-88357431 Main Rte 28Newport
Maine Debra315-826-5536557 Rose Valley RdNewport
Maine Ernest315-845-80228081 State Rte 28Newport
Maine Mike315-845-89265707 State Rte 28Newport
Maine's Excavating LLC315-845-85575707 State Rte 28Newport
Malecki Michael315-826-581944 Millington AvPoland
Malin William315-826-55671364 Grant RdCold Brook
Maloy Michelle315-826-3857346 Harvey Bridge RdCold Brook
Malta Janelle315-826-7767 776 Russia Rd Poland
Mankouski David315-845-82122226 Newport RdPoland
Mankouski Todd & Laurie315-891-3693121 Old City RdNewport
Manning Terrence J315-826-3767109 Alder Brook RdHoffmeister
Marano Donna315-826-79131015 Pardeeville RdCold Brook
Margulis Beth315-845-8099463 Old State RdPoland
Markwardt Miranda315-845-1127 711 N Gage RdPoland
Maroti Thomas315-891-7250 250 Twin PondsNewport
Marshall Charles & Charlene315-891-3511112 Murphy RdNewport
Martin Alson315-891-3569 569 Summit RdNewport
Masonic Temple315-845-81657408 Main StNewport
Maxfield Russ315-826-3713 1381 Gray Wilmurt RdCold Brook
Maxwell Bill & Linda315-845-80201619 Hawthorne RdNewport
Maxwell Colleen315-845-84391529 Hawthorne RdNewport
Maxwell Dennis315-891-3664143 Sandy Lane RdNewport
Maxwell Dennis Jr315-891-3019156 Sandy Lane RdNewport
Maxwell Edward315-845-8354 221 Carey RdNewport
Maxwell Family Sawmill315-891-3192224 Comstock RdNewport
Maxwell Mark & Rhonda315-891-3269118 Sandy Lane RdNewport
Maxwell Patrick315-845-8354 221 Carey RdNewport
McAndrews Marc315-845-8677 213 Keller Rd Cold Brook
McBride Brenda315-891-3104 104 Comstock RdNewport
McCabe John & Elaine315-891-33962462 Castle RdNewport
McCaw Nancy315-826-35792879 State Rte 8Cold Brook
McCluskey Kenneth V315-826-30922271 Black Creek RdRemsen
McConville Bruce315-891-3265297 Parkhurst RdMiddleville
McDonald Richard315-845-8764103 Summit Rd ExtNewport
McEvoy Charlene315-845-8007416 White Creek RdNewport
McEvoy Michael315-845-84663051 North StNewport
McEvoy-Stack Jennifer315-845-6386 7488 East St Newport
McFadden Brian & Pat315-826-3126226 Christmas RdCold Brook
McFadden Patricia315-826-3896412 Reese RdCold Brook
McGann Mark315-826-53911030 Grant RdCold Brook
McKerrow Kayla315-826-3132 755 Old State RdNewport
McKerrow Robert & Sue315-845-1702185 Rose Valley RdNewport
McKerrow Roger315-845-8455170 Rose Valley RdNewport
McLaughlin Mark & Kathy315-826-7305769 South Side RdCold Brook
McLean David315-845-82792712 Newport RdNewport
McMahon Thomas & Carol315-826-3726846 Rose Valley RdCold Brook
McManus Josef & Heidi315-845-88622587 Newport RdPoland
McVoy Cindy315-826-712961 Millington AvePoland
Meeker Brandon & Erin 315-826-5592238 Russia RdCold Brook
Meketa Michele 315-826-7185 149 Beecher RdPoland
Melon Emanuel315-826-5286286 Pardeeville RdCold Brook
Mendola Gasper315-826-3050 3050 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Mercadante L315-845-61471619 Newport RdPoland
Mescavage Bob315-826-3737 236 Webb LnCold Brook
Metelow David315-826-3022261 State Rte 8Hoffmeister
Meyers Ray L & Pat315-826-7094549 Ohio City RdCold Brook
Meza Amber315-826-3894414 Reese RdCold Brook
Michalski Mark315-845-6748635 Bull Hill RdCold Brook
Mickett J315-826-7907248 Elm Flats RdCold Brook
Midair Studio315-826-5522359 Fisher RdCold Brook
Middleville Fire Co Business 315-891-364941 N Main StMiddleville
Middleville Fire Co Fax315-891-326741 N Main StMiddleville
Middleville Free Library315-891-3655 Corey HallMiddleville
Middleville Village Clerk315-891-76453 S Main StMiddleville
Middleville Village Fax315-891-36003 S Main StMiddleville
Militello Anthony & Tonya315-826-50227455 Crooked Brook RdDeerfield
Miller Andrew & Angie315-845-1891880 Bull Hill RdCold Brook
Miller Bernard & Deborah315-826-57048801 S Main StPoland
Miller Elmer315-826-5285737 State Rte 8Hoffmeister
Miller Fredrick315-891-3051 1551 Hardscrabble RdMiddleville
Miller James315-891-33491667 Castle RdNewport
Miller John S & Patricia315-845-8616680 Gray Wilmurt RdCold Brook
Miller Michael A315-826-7389 750 Sulphur Springs RdCold Brook
Miller Roy315-845-8980105 Bull Hill RdCold Brook
Miller S315-845-6681 386 Billy Hamlin RdCold Brook
Miners Table315-891-3463 4579 State Route 28 Newport
Misiaszek Emil J315-845-8120345 Strumlock RdPoland
Moen Christa315-826-3785605 Hurricane RdCold Brook
Moffatt Phyllis315-826-73772802 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Mohawk Valley Printing315-826-3796427 Rose Valley RdNewport
Monahan Terry315-845-8186 186 Billy Hamlin RdCold Brook
Moody Laura315-826-3010266 Fisher RdCold Brook
Moody Michael315-845-8400976 Honey Hill RdPoland
Moody William315-845-8638456 White Creek RdNewport
Moody Wilson A315-826-36975224 Military RdPoland
Moody's Body Shop315-845-8935457 White Creek RdNewport
Moody's Excavation & Rec LLC315-845-8664 7450 Main StNewport
Moody's Polaris315-845-86647450 Main StNewport
Moody's Septic 315-845-8994 972 Newport Gray RdNewport
Mooney Robert315-826-3076740 Russia RdPoland
Moore Thomas & Jean315-826-5977106 Short Cut RdCold Brook
Moran Benjamin & Sunshine315-845-8507422 Bull Hill RdCold Brook
Morehouse Fire Dept315-826-7130716 State Rte 8Hoffmeister
Morehouse Lake Club315-826-7104175 Morehouse Lake RdHoffmeister
Morehouse Town of
Town of Morehouse Highway Department315-826-3111481 French Rd Hoffmeister
Town of Morehouse Recreation Building315-826-7419724 State Rte 8Hoffmeister
Town of Morehouse Town Clerk/Tax Collector315-826-7509 733 State Rte 8Hoffmeister
Town of Morehouse Town Hall315-826-7744 733 State Rte 8Hoffmeister
Town of Morehouse Town Justice315-826-7093 733 State Rte 8Hoffmeister
Town of Morehouse Fax Line315-826-3215733 State Rte 8Hoffmeister
Morel David315-845-6515711 Elm Tree RdNewport
Morgan Rodney315-826-79851514 State Rte 365Remsen
Morgan Thomas315-891-3277 258 Parkhurst RdMiddleville
Morganstern Mike & Tami315-826-5631551 Russia RdPoland
Morotti Larry & Bonnie315-845-6360782 Hurricane RdCold Brook
Morreale Stephen & Shilo315-891-3121335 Fishing Rock RdNewport
Morrison A315-826-3194 1131 Rose Valley Rd Cold Brook
Morrison David315-826-3656780 Old State RdPoland
Morrison Shawn & Tiffany315-826-3619366 Graves RdNewport
Morrow Glenn & Sandra315-826-58104150 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Morrow Matthew & Elaine315-826-52281276 Grant RdCold Brook
Moser Karl315-826-381612141 N Gage RdPoland
Mosher M A315-826-7313133 Mountain Home RdHoffmeister
Mosher Phyllis315-826-3470 122 Leons RdHoffmeister
Mower David 315-826-31562687 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Mowers Katherine315-826-78574268 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Mowers Mark315-826-74344288 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Mrakovich Nathan315-845-6242991 Hurricane RdCold Brook
Muller Catherine315-826-5713 4792 Military RdPoland
Muller Helen315-845-8974563 White Creek RdNewport
Muller Samantha315-826-3218 2756 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Mullin Elwin H315-826-3450483 Main StCold Brook
Murphy Charles & Evelyn315-845-88201396 Newport RdPoland
Murphy James315-845-84737540 Main StNewport
Murphy Joyce315-891-3262105 N Main StMiddleville
Murphy Lori315-845-65093121 Mechanic StNewport
Murray Edgar315-826-7177402 Beecher RdPoland
Murray Glenn & Martha315-826-3206 734 State Rte 8Hoffmeister
Murray J315-826-37441848 Gray Wilmurt RdCold Brook
Murray Paula315-891-3115257 Fishing Rock RdNewport
Myers Lyndon & Sally315-826-5565146 Brayton RdPoland
Nagle Dorothy315-826-3186 128 Atwood Lake RdCold Brook
Nagle George & Margo315-826-7643143 Morehouse Lake RdHoffmeister
Natale Thomas315-826-7803 147 Hoeller RdNewport
Naumenko Nikolai315-845-8035161 Butler RdPoland
Neale Clifford & Brenda315-891-338011 Summit RdMiddleville
Neupert Constance315-826-3572426 Main StPoland
New Life Chapel315-826-71153447 State Rte 8Cold Brook
New York State Police315-866-7111 1 Office Bldg 22 Albany 12226
Newman Betsy315-845-8201 8201 State Rte 28Newport
Newman Dale & Sharon315-826-3091162 Hurter RdHoffmeister
Newman Eric & Erna315-845-8240853 Honey Hill RdPoland
Newman Marion E315-826-3582743 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Newman William M315-826-78431231 Rose Valley RdPoland
Newport Fire Dept Other Business315-845-81297370 Main StNewport
Newport Free Library315-845-85337390 Main StNewport
Newport Historical Center315-845-84347435 Main St Newport
Newport Methodist Church315-845-87307488 Main StNewport
Newport Service315-845-80797542 Main StNewport
Newport Telephone Co Inc
Newport Telephone Business Office315-845-8112 3077 Bridge StNewport
Newport Telephone Repair Line 315-845-81223077 Bridge StNewport
Newport Town of
Town of Newport Highway Department315-845-8555
Town of Newport Town Clerk315-845-8340
Town of Newport Town Offices315-845-8555
Town of Newport Town Supervisor315-845-8466
Town of Newport Town/Village Court315-845-8938
Town of Newport Town/Village Court Fax315-845-8060
Newport Town Tavern315-845-93117445 Main StNewport
Newport Village Of 315-845-8542
Newport Playground315-845-8480
Newport Village Clerk315-845-8543
Nicholas Janice315-845-8729298 Billy Hamlin RdCold Brook
Nicotera David V315-845-8675 425 Sulphur Springs RdNewport
Niemetz Greg & Lynn315-845-8970844 Hurricane RdCold Brook
Nightingale James315-826-3060 497 Harvey Bridge RdCold Brook
Nizza Lawrence & JoAnn315-826-5013202 Taylor Brook RdPoland
Norway Automotive & Plow315-845-8249350 Gage RdNewport
Norway General Store LLC315-845-8949 1004 Newport Gray RdNewport
Norway Town of
Town of Norway Community Hall315-845-82113114 Military RdNewport
Town of Norway Highway Garage315-845-82723013 Military RdNewport
Town of Norway Town Clerk315-845-86823114 Military RdNewport
Town of Norway Town Justice315-845-87193114 MilitaryNewport
Town of Norway Town Justice Fax315-845-61073114 Military Rd Newport
NTCNET Customer Service/Billing315-845-20003077 Bridge StNewport
Nystrom James & Ida Jane315-826-7128195 Morehouse Lake RdHoffmeister
O'Brien Edward315-826-5658236 French RdHoffmeister
O'Grady Ryan315-826-5178 991 Figert RdCold Brook
Oaksford Kenneth315-845-6542 854 Hurricane RdCold Brook
OConnor Ryan & Danielle315-845-629211774 Steuben Rd EPoland
Ohio Alliance Church315-826-3421107 Ash RdCold Brook
Ohio Tavern & Restaurant315-826-50502755 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Ohio Town of
Ohio Town Recreation Building315-826-3009140 Nellis RdOhio
Ohio Town Offices315-826-7912234 Nellis RdOhio
Ohio United Methodist Church315-826-3250104 Church StCold Brook
Olah Catherine315-826-3595 744 State Route 8Cold Brook
Olney J A315-826-37428890 N Main StPoland
Orf Robert J315-891-3587193 Farrington RdNewport
Orzolek John315-845-8905465 Elm Tree RdNewport
Ossont Theodore315-826-3982479 Hinckley RdRemsen
Ostapuk Ivan315-891-3479342 Reservoir RdNewport
Ostapuk Sergey315-891-3474366 Reservoir RdNewport
Ozog Edward315-826-3819213 Brayton RdPoland
Palmer Robert315-845-83517484 East StNewport
Palmeter Jeremiah315-826-5943271 Mountain Home RdCold Brook
Pardee Melisasu315-826-7588424 Hurricane RdCold Brook
Pardy Wm Tracy Jr315-826-72639454 State Rte 28Poland
Partello Timothy & Patricia315-826-5359169 French RdHoffmeister
Parzych C315-826-35542236 Black Creek RdRemsen
Parzych Jennifer315-826-38052224 Black Creek RdRemsen
Passage Margaret315-845-1808338 White Creek RdNewport
Patti Joyce Kochan315-845-85152509 Newport RdNewport
Patty Jean's Country Restaurant315-845-8877 8318 State Rte 28Newport
Pauldine Raymond315-826-3046198 Erb RdHoffmeister
Pawlikowski Garry315-826-76721291 Gray Wilmurt RdPoland
Pearsall Edward315-845-8242122 Cole RdPoland
Pena Eduarda G315-845-8214349 Sulpher Springs RdNewport
Perry Allan315-826-79971217 Pardeeville RdCold Brook
Perry Anthony315-845-6397650 Bull Hill RdCold Brook
Perry Kenneth & Sandra315-826-39711371 Pardeeville RdCold Brook
Petkovsek Joseph315-891-3282223 State Rte 29Middleville
Petrie Amanda315-891-7216 1401 Hardscrabble RdMiddleville
Petriski David315-845-17661386 Newport RdPoland
Petrowski Krista & Matt315-826-7409 421 Brady Beach RdCold Brook
Pfleuger Steve315-826-3772 3253 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Pickerd Todd315-845-8064353 Newport Gray RdNewport
Pierson Tanya315-845-1571610 Butler RdPoland
Pincott Daniel B315-845-8727 830 Bull Hill RdCold Brook
Piseck Nancy315-845-84463041 Hillside Meadows DrNewport
Plante Robert H315-826-3342116 Mill RdPoland
Platinum Property Home Services315-891-3404 140 Murphy RdNewport
Platt Jay315-826-7885248 French RdHoffmeister
Pogonowski Bob315-826-3700597 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Pogonowski Elizabeth315-845-1710 1710 Hawthorne RdNewport
Pogonowski Joe315-845-8527414 Sulphur Springs RdNewport
Pogonowski Wallace315-826-3827280 Main StCold Brook
Poland Central School Offices
Poland Central Elementary315-826-7000
Poland Central High School315-826-7900
Poland Central School Business Office315-826-0205
Poland Central School Bus Transportation Office315-826-0226
Poland Central School Cafeteria Manager315-826-0216
Poland Central School Guidance Office315-826-0214
Poland Central School Nurse's Office315-826-0208
Poland Central School Superintendent's Office315-826-0203
Poland Public Library315-826-31128849 N Main StPoland
Poland Village of
Poland Village Clerk315-826-31419 Case StPoland
Poland Village Offices315-826-3011 11 Case St Poland
Poland Volunteer Fire Company315-826-41412853 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Poland Volunteer Fire Company315-826-7141216 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Polce Nick R315-826-5181107 Beechwood LnCold Brook
Polhamus Carl & Julie315-891-38682828 State Rte 169Little Falls
Polisse Debra315-845-81941128 Newport Gray RdNewport
Pomichter Bryan315-826-58581144 Grant RdCold Brook
Pomichter Gary315-845-87522687 Newport RdNewport
Pomichter Jamie & TJ315-826-3094179 Pardeeville RdCold Brook
Pomichter Randy315-826-75341649 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Pomichter Ron & Kathie315-826-32941134 Grant RdCold Brook
Poplaski Chester315-826-364811790 N Gage RdUtica
Poplaski Christopher & Tabitha315-826-708511701 N Gage RdUtica
Porvaznick John315-826-5640249 French RdHoffmeister
Post Edwin315-826-3068 400 French RdHoffmeister
Postol Stanley & Joyce315-826-7187492 Pardeeville RdCold Brook
Potasiewicz John A315-826-3261313 Pardeeville RdCold Brook
Potasiewicz Ralph W315-826-7712301 Pardeeville RdCold Brook
Potter Lary315-826-7238151 Haskell RdCold Brook
Potter R315-826-31753935 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Potucek Paul & Daisy315-845-6430 2098 Dairy Hill RdNewport
Powers David315-826-5942264 Mountain Home RdHoffmeister
Powers Patrick W315-826-3028336 Russia RdPoland
Price Brandice N315-826-3049 1285 Pardeeville RdCold Brook
Price Lillian315-845-83482167 Dairy Hill RdNewport
Price Robert J315-826-7617146 Hemstreet RdCold Brook
Price Wayne & Laraine315-845-8392147 Butler RdPoland
Proactive Technology Inc315-845-2005908 Newport Gray RdNewport
Przelski Bernard W315-826-3712573 Main StCold Brook
Przelski Ronald & Rosie315-826-3533261 Gravesville RdPoland
Purinton Doug & Julie315-845-8269526 Elm Tree RdNewport
Putney Andrew & Chelsea315-845-1888137 Bell Hill RdPoland
Putney David315-891-30181558 Castle RdNewport
Putney Joseph Jr & Michelle315-845-8181 181 Old State RdNewport
Quill Patricia315-826-7572 637 State Rte 8Hoffmeister
Quinn Paul B & Mary315-845-83887502 Main StNewport
Rabbia Bill315-826-3023 658 Figert Rd Cold Brook
Rachon Bruce315-845-8294254 Bull Hill RdCold Brook
Rachon Dorothy315-845-8688 588 Black Creek RdNewport
Rachon James315-826-3699125 Burt RdCold Brook
Rachon Richard315-826-78894529 Military RdPoland
Rachon Stephen315-845-8428 558 Black Creek RdNewport
Rachon Timothy315-826-3730699 Russia RdCold Brook
Rainey William & Grace315-826-5950235 White Lead Lake RdCold Brook
Randall Barbara315-826-7671235 Gravesville RdPoland
Rankins Deidra315-826-3047154 Beecher RdPoland
Rashford Peter S & Angela P315-826-5477359 Fisher RdCold Brook
Raspante Michael315-845-8357105 Elm Tree RdNewport
Rath Raymond315-891-3659108 Rath RdNewport
Rathbun Bruce & Sandra315-826-3955 3418 Black Creek RdCold Brook
Rauscher Peter & Joanne315-826-3565 565 State Rte 8Hoffmeister
Ray Randolph C315-891-324026 Kanata StMiddleville
Raymonda John & Yvonne315-826-5371284 French RdCold Brook
Real Deal Landscaping315-826-7661 2184 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Reardon Kerry315-826-57464648 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Rebeck Alice315-845-8845314 Gray Wilmurt RdCold Brook
Reddington James315-826-70467512 State Route 8Poland
Reddington Ready Mix315-826-5295 12182 Route 28Poland
Reddington Services Inc315-826-5296 12182 Route 28Poland
Reddington Shane315-826-5429 429 Macarthur RdCold Brook
Reed Jason & Paula315-891-79983303 Military RdNewport
Reese James & Helen315-891-3133133 Casler RdLittle Falls
Reiff Lester & Lucille315-891-3112 1459 Hard Scrabble RdMiddleville
Reimer Andrew & Angela315-845-8840941 Newport Gray RdNewport
Reinhardt Michael315-845-1514447 Spain Gulf RdPoland
Renodin Larry315-826-38414996 Military RdPoland
Renodin Sarah315-845-1739121 Bull Hill RdCold Brook
Renodin Wayne & Mary315-826-7873847 Hall RdCold Brook
Reynolds John315-845-8290509 Santmire RdCold Brook
Reynolds Thomas E315-826-3152 152 Remonda RdCold Brook
Reynolds Wayne315-826-7160481 Harvey Bridge RdCold Brook
Rhea David R315-826-36252490 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Riccardi Christopher315-845-6619241 Billy Hamlin RdCold Brook
Rice Michael315-891-33771687 Hardscrabble RdNewport
Rickard Carl315-826-7212500 Pardeeville RdCold Brook
Rickard Paul315-826-3918171 Nellis RdCold Brook
Rickard Ronald J & Sara315-826-36581779 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Riddell Brian315-826-3463233 State Rte 8Hoffmeister
Ritzel Diane315-826-31397017 State Rte 8Utica
Roark Benjamin & Jessica315-826-78711251 Gray Wilmurt RdCold Brook
Roark Caryn D315-826-7420836 Hall RdCold Brook
Roark Daniel315-845-8188 290 Farrell RdNewport
Roark David & Robin315-826-7661 2184 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Roark Gordon315-826-3684247 Nellis RdCold Brook
Roark Gordon A Jr315-826-7330331 Nellis RdCold Brook
Roark Ruth315-826-37472776 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Roark William & Bonnie315-826-39742768 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Robbins Henry315-891-72821940 Hardscrabble RdNewport
Robertaccio Robert & Donna315-826-7487427 MacArthur RdCold Brook
Roberts Megan315-826-3326 3802 State Route 8Cold Brook
Roberts Naomi315-845-8986 714 Bull Hill RdCold Brook
Robinson Robert315-826-32641271 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Robinson Ron & Beth315-826-71001774 Gray Wilmurt RdCold Brook
Rockwell Kayla315-826-30444917 Military RdPoland
Rocky's On The Lake315-826-3626 438 MacArthur RdHinckley
Roehr Tracey315-826-5776162 Woods RdCold Brook
Roepnack Jack315-845-8374160 Steuben RdPoland
Roesler Eric & Nanette315-845-86238142 State Rte 28Newport
Rogers Clifton L315-845-6640389 Strumlock RdPoland
Rohde Christopher & Karen315-826-32104081 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Rohde Christopher & Karen315-826-375414 Remonda RdCold Brook
Roles Carol315-826-7538183 Erb RdHoffmeister
Rome Research Site315-845-8844208 Tower RdNewport
Rome Research Site Ifosm315-845-8842 391 Lindsay Rd Newport
Romer Earl & Amy315-891-79791510 Castle RdNewport
Romer Stephen315-891-33981134 Hardscrabble RdMiddleville
Rommel Eric315-826-38488860 N Main StPoland
Rommel Scott & Tracy315-826-33431028 Rose Valley RdCold Brook
Rommel Tim315-826-7575447 Main StCold Brook
Roome Douglas & Susan315-826-315411376 Steuben RdUtica
Root Amanda315-826-3332 332 Burt RdCold Brook
Root Carol Ann315-826-52571614 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Root Philip K & Valerie315-826-59532133 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Rossiter Craig & Janice315-826-3138381 French RdHoffmeister
Rotach Rockie 315-826-3191 1706 Gray Wilmurt RdCold Brook
Rowe Donald315-891-38201731 Castle RdNewport
Rowe Hauling & Excavating315-845-1616197 Woodchuck Hill RdNewport
Rowe John D & Kelly315-845-1616197 Woodchuck Hill Rd Newport
Rudowsky Stephen & Anna315-826-5343 577 Grant RdCold Brook
Ruoff Charles315-826-3079 244 French RdHoffmeister
Russia Town of
Town of Russia Highway Department315-826-34159274 State Route 28Poland
Town of Russia Municipal Office315-826-34328916 N Main StPoland
Town of Russia Recreation Park315-826-7556 26 Cold Brook Poland
Rutherford John315-845-1727189 Gage RdNewport
Ryan James E315-826-3923168 Reese RdCold Brook
Salek Betty315-891-3574303 Fishing Rock RdNewport
Salm Ronald & Amy315-891-3823613 Summit RdNewport
Saltourides Ann315-891-34931520 Hardscrabble RdMiddleville
Sandwick J315-826-3364704 Rose Valley RdCold Brook
Santana Ramonita315-826-3113 331 Harvey Bridge RdCold Brook
Sassy by Sara315-826-3830 8830 S Main StPoland
Satterlee Deborah L315-826-72892677 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Satterley Clifford315-826-38021095 Gray Wilmurt RdCold Brook
Scandell Kevin315-826-3134 318 Figert RdCold Brook
Scanlon Krystal315-845-81807478 East StNewport
Scanlon Valerie315-891-3473493 Summit RdNewport
Schell Robert315-845-8467226 Black Creek RdNewport
Schermerhorn Michael & Marylou315-826-5184409 Fisher LnCold Brook
Schmid Amy315-845-63611043 Hurricane RdCold Brook
Schmidt David F315-826-79928564 State Rte 28Poland
Schmidt Thomas B315-845-1558183 Tower RdPoland
Schneider Ron & Linda315-826-77547748 Cameron Hill RdPoland
Schneyer Peter & Lisa315-826-55851087 Figert RdCold Brook
Schreck Robert A315-826-7295158 Haskell RdCold Brook
Schultz Kenneth315-845-8812601 North Gage RdPoland
Schuyler Shelly Lynn315-891-3983232 Parkhurst RdMiddleville
Schwaner Terry & Delilah315-826-52347764 Cameron Hill RdBarneveld
Scialdone Peter & Laurie315-826-3155367 North Gage RdPoland
Scofield Joanne315-826-5876 108 Rolling Hills RdCold Brook
Searles Fred & Tina315-891-3320212 Parkhurst RdMiddleville
Sebastian Donald315-845-6103 207 Rose Valley RdNewport
Seelbach John &315-826-7311651 State Rte 8Hoffmeister
Seelbach Lyle II315-826-3439148 Smithson LnCold Brook
Seigle John & Lisa315-826-3222131 Millwood Hill RdCold Brook
Selleck Martin E315-826-3300122 French RdHoffmeister
Sensenig David315-845-8697 755 White Creek RdNewport
Sergott Daniel & Shannon315-845-8939183 Bell Hill RdPoland
Sergott Gregory & Sara315-826-73799573 State Rte 28Poland
Shade Dewaine315-826-78611442 Pardeeville RdCold Brook
Shaler Michael315-826-3966 3071 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Shanahan William E315-826-38491349 Pardeeville RdCold Brook
Shanahan William F315-845-1674531 Santmire RdCold Brook
Sharpe Bill & Ellen315-826-5689130 Five Acres LnCold Brook
Shearin Jeff & Leigh315-891-305292 N Main StMiddleville
Sheehy Nicole315-845-8846 88 Gray Wilmurt RdCold Brook
Sheets James & Karen315-845-88471702 Newport RdPoland
Sheppard Gary A R315-826-72901299 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Sheppard Gerald315-826-39162161 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Sherman Edward315-826-3043145 Fayle RdHoffmeister
Sherman Willard & Deborah315-845-8341824 Elm Tree RdNewport
Shorter Cora U315-826-37643226 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Shorter William315-826-76733220 State Rte 8Poland
Shubich Vasiliy315-845-8547314 Graves RdNewport
Shufelt Barry G315-826-336813 Sprague StPoland
Shulsky John C & Mary E315-826-72757005 Rte 8Utica
Shumway Thomas R315-826-3269405 Hurricane RdCold Brook
Sigona Conrad315-845-1581211 Cole RdPoland
Silchuk Yuri315-845-6785 657 Mowers RdSchuyler
Simonds Sommer315-826-5759 149 Alder Brook Rd Hoffmeister
Skelton Miles315-845-8452128 Woodchuck Hill RdNewport
Skinner Rod315-826-3012262 Woodhill RdCold Brook
Sklar Allyson315-826-7004 444 Brady Beach Rd Cold Brook
Slocum John315-845-8169206 Steuben RdNewport
Smith Barry & Debbie315-845-8437 119 Sulphur Springs RdNewport
Smith Douglas & Valerie315-826-7659978 Grant RdCold Brook
Smith Douglas R315-826-74033778 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Smith Gerald315-845-6522622 Tea Cup StCold Brook
Smith Gertrude M315-891-3864255 Sandy Lane RdNewport
Smith Jamie & Donna 315-826-3014 603 Smith RdCold Brook
Smith Jay315-891-3111 785 Summit RdNewport
Smith Karen315-826-7340633 Fisher RdCold Brook
Smith Mitchell & Melanie315-826-3263501 State Rte 8Hoffmeister
Smith Samuel315-891-3929558 Parkhurst RdMiddleville
Smith Theodore & Anita315-891-389664 Summit RdMiddleville
Smithson Donald315-826-3241 237 Hooper Dooper AveCold Brook
Smithson Stephen & Kathrine315-826-5269134 Smithson LnCold Brook
Sneath Gary315-826-3144849 State Rte 8Poland
Sneath Gary Rebuilders315-826-78928825 S Main StPoland
Snow Harry315-845-6424 985 Bull Hill RdCold Brook
Snyder Brenda315-845-83851050 Newport Gray RdNewport
Snyder Douglas L315-845-88911781 Dairy Hill RdNewport
Snyder Fuel Service315-845-87427432 Main StNewport
Snyder Gary315-845-8886 1617 Dairy Hill RdNewport
Snyder James315-845-86811839 Dairy Hill RdNewport
Snyder John315-845-8483 7518 Main StNewport
Snyder John315-845-84867518 Main StNewport
Snyder Richard & Denise315-845-80381817 Dairy Hill RdNewport
Snyder Stephen & Deborah315-845-88961789 Dairy Hill RdNewport
Sochia Sandra315-845-6453728 White Creek RdNewport
Soloyna Stephen315-891-38811215 Castle RdMiddleville
Soukup Ellen315-891-347032 Herkimer StMiddleville
Spellman Dorothy315-845-80857434 West StNewport
Spellman Michelle315-845-8435875 Black Creek RdCold Brook
Spencer-Behrendt Timothy Behrend Peggy315-826-7405 217 Shawangunk RdCold Brook
Squire Cheryl315-845-63003041 Hillside Meadows DrNewport
Stack Edward315-826-5536557 Rose Valley Rd Newport
Stacks Kendrick315-845-8297852 Black Creek RdCold Brook
Stallman Donald315-845-1661272 Gage RdNewport
Stanczyk Michael315-826-7123 515 Fisher RdCold Brook
Stanko James & Marnie315-826-321411396 N Gage RdBarneveld
Stanko Tracy315-826-33077387 Crooked Brook RdUtica
Stark Norman & Cynthia315-826-3880 220 Pardeeville Rd Cold Brook
Stauffer Jordan315-891-3002 2974 State Route 169Little Falls
Stein Shayne & Suzann315-826-3434298 Roberts RdCold Brook
Stemmer Karl315-891-32871941 Castle RdNewport
Stephon Dudley & Lynn315-826-5996429 Pardeeville RdCold Brook
Stephon Jeffrey315-826-7310 370 Pardeeville RdCold Brook
Sternberg Charles Jr315-845-85171042 Newport Gray RdNewport
Stevener Michael315-845-8263185 Strumlock RdNewport
Steves Matthew & Tanya 315-826-7606103 Church StCold Brook
Stock Brian315-826-7817 185 Morehouse Lake Rd Hoffmeister
Stock Homer E315-826-7756526 Hurricane RdCold Brook
Strait Robert & Melissa315-845-8503167 White Creek RdNewport
Streichert Jacqueline315-826-3316 3698 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Stubba William & Sheri315-826-34308922 N Main StPoland
Stulpin MaryAnn & Scott315-826-5666146 Lanning RdPoland
Stump Grinders315-826-7658924 Rose Valley RdCold Brook
Subik Steven315-826-3876491 Reese RdCold Brook
Sudol D315-845-8199116 Steuben RdPoland
Swank-Dibble Arlene G315-891-31232869 State Rte 169 Little Falls 13365
Sweet Scott & Denyce315-826-32173291 Black Creek RdCold Brook
Swieton Colleen315-826-33471247 Pardeeville RdCold Brook
Sylvia Michael315-826-5107642 Atwood Lake RdCold Brook
Synakowski Bernard M315-845-83782648 Newport RdPoland
Szarek William J315-826-5080120 MacArthur RdCold Brook
Szesnat Betty315-845-6122 122 Black Creek RdNewport
T Milo Construction 315-826-50227455 Crooked Brook RdDeerfield
Tabor David Sr315-826-5241349 Hurricane RdCold Brook
Tabor Gary315-826-7614441 Hurricane RdCold Brook
Taman Michael & Donna315-826-39563243 Black Creek RdCold Brook
Tanner Richard315-845-885487 Gray Wilmurt RdCold Brook
Tasovac James Jr315-845-8521390 Farrell RdPoland
Taverne Kay315-826-70651685 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Taylor Brian315-826-3440156 French RdCold Brook
Taylor Carl315-845-8932690 White Creek RdNewport
Taylor Eric315-826-3408108 Sugarbush RdHoffmeister
Taylor George J Jr315-826-3478300 Christman RdCold Brook
Taylor James315-826-33111119 Gray Wilmurt RdCold Brook
Taylor Lois315-826-37658774 S Main StPoland
Taylor Raymond & Kathleen315-826-3745143 Five Acre LnCold Brook
Taylor Raymond Jr & Jackie315-826-3775183 Five Acres LnCold Brook
Taylor Samantha315-826-5373120 Hill RdCold Brook
Tellier Rene II315-826-7188881 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Thayer Frank Jr315-826-39772255 Black Creek RdRemsen
The Car Connection315-891-39984978 State Rte 28Middleville
Thelen Jane315-826-3979498 Hinckley RdRemsen
Thierry Doug & Karen315-826-3333
Thomas Mary315-826-31721965 Gray Wilmurt RdCold Brook
Thomas Richard315-826-57924613 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Thompson Diane315-826-5205150 Coleman RdCold Brook
Tichenor Kelly & Stephanie315-826-7607697 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Timian Susan315-826-5588124 Five Acres LnCold Brook
Tinker James315-826-7522624 Hinckley RdRemsen
Tobin Francis315-845-6400236 Honey Hill RdPoland
Tomaselli Michael & Stacy315-826-7447171 Morehouse Lake RdHoffmeister
Trails End315-826-7220438 MacArthur RdHinckley
Trails End Mobile Home Park315-826-7220438 MacArthur RdHinckley
Tranter Scott315-845-1599372 Gray Wilmurt RdCold Brook
Travis Kenneth H Jr315-826-3252742 Figert RdCold Brook
Tresses Hair Salon315-826-39678871 N Main StPoland
Trevvett James D315-826-7677471 Grant RdCold Brook
Trevvett Paul315-826-5042392 Pardeeville RdCold Brook
Trevvett Thomas315-845-6764 184 Old State RdNewport
Truman Jeffrey A315-826-3587377 Grant RdPoland
Tucker Peter315-845-8823138 White Creek RdNewport
Tucker Richard A315-845-8447154 Summit RdNewport
Turcotte William & Dorothy315-826-5096119 Harvey Bridge RdCold Brook
Turnage Randy Jr315-845-1591293 White Creek RdNewport
U-Haul Neighborhood Dealer315-826-752912226 SR 28Poland
Ucasz John L315-891-3731224 Parkhurst RdLittle Falls
Uebele Brytni Ann315-826-5294751 State Rte 8Hoffmeister
Uebele William315-826-5783753 State Rte 8Hoffmeister
Unkle Aaron315-826-5288122 Rolling Hills RdCold Brook
Upson Parnell & Alexandra D315-826-54492263 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Upson Roy & Lisa315-845-6299358 Graves RdNewport
Upstate Auto Glass315-845-8502306 Steuben RdPoland
Upstate Elevator Inspection Services LLC315-891-3151 285 Schrader Hill RdHerkimer
Uris Daniel315-845-1922 572 Gray Wilmurt RdCold Brook
Usyk Steve & Crystal315-845-1555237 Honey Hill RdPoland
Vabishchevich Pavel315-845-83601848 Newport RdPoland
VanAllen Sandra315-826-75573020 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Vanarsdale Melba J315-826-7984285 French RdHoffmeister
Vanetten Cheri315-845-6841 1702 Dairy Hill RdNewport
VanEvera Scott315-891-3583635 Schrader Hill RdHerkimer
Verescak Michael315-826-5672107 Earls LnHoffmeister
Victor John315-826-348711430 Steuben Rd EUtica
Victor Justin315-826-59443703 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Victor Terri315-826-7061519 Hurricane RdCold Brook
Vieira Peter315-826-5156159 Alderbrook RdHoffmeister
Vigliarolo Joseph315-845-81251400 Dairy Hill RdNewport
Vincent's Heating & Air Conditioning315-826-777916 Railroad StPoland
Vincent's Heating & Fuel Service LLC315-826-386416 Railroad StPoland
Visconti Joyce315-891-391524 Park AveMiddleville
Vitarius Shan315-826-3460314 Cummings RdCold Brook
Voelkle John315-891-3411 411 Voelkle Rd Middleville
Vogt Edward315-891-3472522 Parkhurst RdMiddleville
Vosburgh Mari & James 315-826-7609 609 Ohio City RdCold Brook
Wagschal Kenneth & Debbie315-826-37741015 Figert RdCold Brook
Wajo Ann315-845-87757430 Main StNewport
Walrath Agnes315-845-15043041 Hillside Meadows DrNewport
Walrath Harold315-826-7488453 Hurricane RdCold Brook
Walrath Stella315-891-3159 45 Fairfield StMiddleville
Walsh Neal315-845-88088237 State Rte 28 Newport
Walsh Stephen J315-845-63517550 Main StNewport
Walters Dan & Donna315-826-32925145 Military RdPoland
Walts Adam315-826-7978 2083 State Route 8Cold Brook
Wares William315-845-82787523 East StNewport
Warmingham Henry E315-845-81518379 State Rte 28Newport
Warner Charles & Robin315-845-8585180 Summit RdNewport
Warney Tiffany315-826-5805 805 Hall RdCold Brook
Warren Clinton315-826-7253286 Hill RdCold Brook
Warzala John315-826-76691678 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Watchers J S315-845-8690708 White Creek RdNewport
Watson David315-826-3976273 Kelly RdCold Brook
Watson Lauren315-845-8474960 Elm Tree RdNewport
Weakley Brad Excavating LLC315-826-75468942 N Main StPoland
Weakley Erich & Michele315-826-5563849 Old State RdPoland
Weakley Richard315-845-8077201 Graves RdNewport
Weakley Russell315-845-88252188 Newport Gray RdCold Brook
Weakley Shelly & Mandy315-826-32671579 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Webb Barbara315-826-3535 654 Rose Valley Rd Newport
Wegrzyn Joseph & Therese315-826-34611275 Gray Wilmurt RdCold Brook
Weigand Thomas & Christina315-826-32786980 State Rte 8Utica
West Canada Valley Central School315-845-68005447 State Rte 28Newport
Whitaker William Jr315-826-7520215 Russia RdPoland
Whitcomb Paige315-845-1256 1256 Dairy Hill RdNewport
White David & Karen315-826-5453313 MacArthur RdCold Brook
Wiatr William315-826-7966309 Millwood Hill RdCold Brook
Wickham Ronald & Judy315-826-5891164 Coleman RdCold Brook
Wiegand Robert315-845-6146482 Santmire RdCold Brook
Wight David R315-826-3530114 Mountain Home RdHoffmeister
Wilcox Charles315-826-53091290 Pardeeville RdCold Brook
Wilcox Marianne315-826-3325383 White Birch LnCold Brook
Wilczak Matthew315-826-5803201 Ash RdCold Brook
Williams Allen & Bonnie 315-826-5027142 Mill RdPoland
Williams Bernadette315-845-8307326 Graves RdNewport
Williams Chris & Jennifer315-891-3059216 Reservoir RdNewport
Williams Clayton J315-826-5544 277 Hooper Dooper AveCold Brook
Williams Contracting315-826-5027142 Mill RdPoland
Williams Crystal315-845-6507 307 Steuben RdPoland
Williams George K315-826-5971157 Morehouse Lake RdHoffmeister
Williams Jane315-826-3667114 Shady LnHinckley
Williams Nial J Jr315-845-8861275 Gage RdNewport
Willis E J Co Inc Machine Shop315-891-760237 N Main StMiddleville
Willoughby Bernard & Donna315-826-7170139 Sunset Lodge RdCold Brook
Willoughby Dennis315-891-307715 Kanata StMiddleville
Willoughby Judith315-891-3078113 Academy WalkMiddleville
Willoughby Ruby E315-891-372452 Fairfield StMiddleville
Wilmurt Club315-826-3078251 Mountain Home RdHoffmeister
Wilson Donald L315-826-3889234 French RdHoffmeister
Wilson Scott315-826-3886377 French RdHoffmeister
Winter Christine315-891-35561568 Castle RdNewport
Wollaber David315-826-7237773 Rose Valley RdCold Brook
Woodcock Robert315-891-3129263 Parkhurst RdMiddleville
Woods Steven & Sharyn315-845-87167481 East StNewport
Woods Zachary & Sydney315-845-8386 386 Black Creek RdNewport
Wright Edward315-826-30254218 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Wright Edward Jr & Rene315-826-50824217 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Wright Jack D315-826-34173523 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Wright Richard315-826-3148190 Figert RdCold Brook
Wright Rick315-826-58271193 State Rte 365Hinckley
Wright Wesley315-826-34733531 State Rte 8Cold Brook
Wurz John315-826-7153 467 Hurricane RdCold Brook
Wyman Donald & Lindsey315-826-70711326 State Rte 365Remsen
Yager Howard315-845-8440219 Tanner RdPoland
Yaworski Todd & Vallarie315-845-1533130 Honey Hill RdNewport
Yocavet Michael315-891-7192205 Sandy Lane RdNewport
Yost Stacy315-826-3957165 Stormy Hill RdCold Brook
Young Christopher315-826-5889959 State Rte 365Remsen
Young Lauren315-845-6199534 Gage RdNewport
Young Priscilla315-845-8139 199 Wood Chuck Hill Rd Newport
Yurewich Susan315-826-7711307 Hooper Dooper AveCold Brook
Zakrzewski Ida315-826-5543834 Figert RdCold Brook
Zalewski James315-826-3042995 Grant RdCold Brook
Zapfel Scott315-826-3578925 State Rte 8Hoffmeister
Zebrowski Heather315-826-3420550 Hall RdCold Brook
Zembrzuski Thomas315-826-7765520 Russia RdPoland
Zucker Michael & Joan315-826-3412325 Cummings RdCold Brook
Zumpano Sal315-826-7392439 MacArthur RdCold Brook
Zwierecki Chris315-826-3242 228 Mill Wood Hill RdCold Brook